Blog In season

Berry bliss: harnessing the health bounty of blackberry season

I’m thrilled to welcome the arrival of blackberry season. These plump and juicy gems not only tantalise our taste buds but also offer a host of health benefits that make them a must-add to your summer menu. Let’s explore the scientific evidence that highlights the remarkable health advantages of indulging in these seasonal delights. Antioxidant […]


Building habits (part 3): essential rules

In the first article, I explained how habits rely on our brain autopilot and support our executive functions. Whatever is your goal, there are key rules when implementing your habits. 1 – Something is better than nothing To form a new habit, you need to activate your neural networks. It means you need to stimulate […]


Sugar and cancer risk

TL, DR: sugar is not a carcinogenic (cancer-causing) substance. The idea that sugar fuels cancer cells is a fallacy that unfortunately thrives on the Internet. No studies in people have shown that reducing sugar intake prevents or treats cancer. No studies have shown that eating too much sugar causes cancer. There is no direct link, […]


Building habits (part 2): key steps

In the first article I explained how habits support the executive functions of the brain. It is estimated that 40% of our actions rely on habits, this is why building habits that serve your goals is essential. Here are a few tips for that. Tip 1: Identify the habit The new habit or routine is […]


A healthy, happy Ramadan

During the holy month of Ramadan (ninth month of the Islamic calendar), adult Muslims across the world fast during daylight hours for 29-30 days. Fasting is one of the 5 pillars of Islam and means abstaining from food, drink, sexual activity and smoking during daylight hours. Some people who are ill or whose health could […]


Building habits (part 1) : why habits matter

Today’s post will be the first of a series about habits (and change). The objective is to give you an explanation of why we have habits, and how we can change them to make them literally work for us. Why do I write about habits here? Because a lot of our lifestyle choices (diet, exercise, […]


This might make you poop

Ah, poo! Le caca in French! Say this simple word and you will get a lot of attention (not only from children). Let’s have a look at what can make you poop, and it’s not only food as you will see. Exercise Some of you may have experienced that: you start your run and after […]


Cooked vs raw: how to get the most vitamin A from your carrots

Vitamin A is a group of fat-soluble retinoids involved in immune function, cellular communication, growth and development, and male and female reproduction. It is essential to vision. It is found as retinol in animal foods, and carotenoids in plant foods, like carrots, bell peppers, broccoli, kale, mangoes, oranges, spinach…. To say that vitamin A is […]


Tips and tops against food waste

It is estimated that nearly one third of food produced for human consumption is lost or wasted, with considerable environmental impacts, aggravating ecosystem damage. Polyphenols in plants are particularly concentrated in leaf tissues, they aid in plant defense, against ultraviolet radiation or aggression by pathogens. They contribute to the bitterness, astringency, colour, flavour, odour and […]


Vitamin D and your brain

In the UK, vitamin D deficiency affects 23% of adults (21% in those over 65yo), in winter the prevalence even rises to 40% (29% in those over 65yo). Vitamin D is mainly known for its role in the regulation of calcium homeostasis and in bone integrity, but it also plays an important role in the […]