
Is personalised better?

Quite a few companies and individuals (with and without qualifications…) now sell personalised nutrition (PN) packages, based on your « unique metabolism and needs« . To assess these, they will first sell you kits to measure parameters such as glycemia, vitamin and mineral levels (iron, B12, D etc), hormone levels (in particular thyroid hormones), blood fats (cholesterol, […]


Building habits (part 4): the joyful path to lasting change

When it comes to personal development, there’s a common misconception that building habits requires an iron will and unyielding discipline. While discipline can be helpful, it’s not the sole or even the most effective method for creating lasting habits. Forcing yourself to do something is not the recipe for success. In fact, building habits that […]


Why am I writing about habits on a nutrition blog?

In March I started to write a series of articles about habits: As I was about to publish a fourth article, I realised I had never fully explained why habits are important when it comes to nutrition. Habits play a crucial role in nutrition because they are the foundation upon which our dietary and lifestyle […]


Building habits (part 2): key steps

In the first article I explained how habits support the executive functions of the brain. It is estimated that 40% of our actions rely on habits, this is why building habits that serve your goals is essential. Here are a few tips for that. Tip 1: Identify the habit The new habit or routine is […]


Building habits (part 1) : why habits matter

Today’s post will be the first of a series about habits (and change). The objective is to give you an explanation of why we have habits, and how we can change them to make them literally work for us. Why do I write about habits here? Because a lot of our lifestyle choices (diet, exercise, […]