While discussing our teenage daughters with a friend, the topic of eating disorders came up. Both of us were a bit puzzled by how much sweets they were having, because we never liked them at all (the sweets, we love our daughters!). We were unsure of how to tackle the subject of sweets, and more […]
Auteur/autrice : oanese
In season: February
Some of us may start to feel bored with winter food (me!), but look, the days are getting longer and here and there hide the first signs of Spring. Plus, February is the peak season for delicious fruits and vegetables! Here is a local selection valid for the UK and most northern Europe countries. VegetablesBrussel […]
The nature fallacy
Today I explain the idea of the « nature fallacy » , also known as « naturalistic fallacy » or « appeal to nature » . The nature fallacy lies on the assumption that something is « good/better », « beneficial » or « superior » because it is « natural ». Conversely, this assumes that what is unnatural is bad or wrong. In the context of nutrition and […]
Ready to ski? What to eat for winter sports.
It’s peak winter season and some of us are heading towards the mountains for a good dose of winter sports. An adequate « mountain diet » depends on the intensity of physical activity you plan to have and the altitude of the place you go to. For good and safe fun, ensure sufficient energy intake: you may […]
No, you don’t need a detox
Happy New Year my dear readers! I wish you all the best in 2024, and in particular good health and love. This is January, many wellness influencers and magazines are rubbing their hands. They tell you that you had too much food, too many drinks, not enough exercise in the past couple weeks and that […]
Today I am writing about Seasonal Affection Disorder (SAD) and how to manage it. SAD (what great acronym!) is a transient depression, typically happening during winter months (there is however summer-onset SAD too) when there is less natural sunlight and shorter daylight hours. Since I have lived in London, I have always struggled with it. […]
Diet myths – carbs are bad
The biggest diet myth in my opinion, is that « carbs are bad« . Carbohydrates are so misunderstood. They should be the main macronutrient of your diet (45% to 65% of your daily calorie intake should come from carbs) alongside proteins and fat. Carbs are molecules of various sizes made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms. […]
Fearmongering refers to using fear to influence the opinions, beliefs, or actions of others. It often involves spreading exaggerated or misleading information, sensationalising situations, or highlighting potential dangers in a way that evokes strong emotions of fear, anxiety, or panic.Fearmongering can be employed for various reasons, such as gaining support for a particular agenda, promoting […]
Magic mushrooms
I recently explained why it is important to take a vitamin D supplement in winter, but did you know you can also get a boost thanks to mushrooms? Mushrooms are a nutritious, low calorie food that provides significant amounts of B vitamins and minerals (selenium, potassium, copper, and zinc). The season is still in full […]
When it comes to personal development, there’s a common misconception that building habits requires an iron will and unyielding discipline. While discipline can be helpful, it’s not the sole or even the most effective method for creating lasting habits. Forcing yourself to do something is not the recipe for success. In fact, building habits that […]