
Join the resistance

Resistant starch (RS) has become trendy recently due to a combination of factors related to its health benefits, growing interest in gut health, and rising popularity of specific diets like low-carb and plant-based eating. RS is a type of carbohydrate that « resists » digestion in the small intestine and reaches the large intestine intact. RS functions […]


The best diet is free

Healthy nutrition does not rely on expensive foods, protein powders or vitamin supplements. It does not require a fancy activity or sleep tracker or a questionable glucose monitor. Not even a gym membership. And certainly not you to compare yourself to unqualified, photoshopped wellness influencers selling you dubious meal plans. For a healthy lifestyle, we […]


Multivitamin supplements: are they effective?

Raise your hand if you have never taken a multivitamin supplement. I bet most of us have. I have. So, there must be a reason we all take them at some point, they must be useful. Are they? The JAMA recently published the results of a cohort study of over 390,000 healthy American adults (Multivitamin […]


Is personalised better?

Quite a few companies and individuals (with and without qualifications…) now sell personalised nutrition (PN) packages, based on your « unique metabolism and needs« . To assess these, they will first sell you kits to measure parameters such as glycemia, vitamin and mineral levels (iron, B12, D etc), hormone levels (in particular thyroid hormones), blood fats (cholesterol, […]


Autism and nutrition

Food aversion and sensitivities are common in individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and behavioural issues can make mealtimes challenging, particularly with children. Some autistic people have a restricted diet, eating only a limited range of food, others may over-eat. Dietary considerations for such individuals can be multifaceted, as each person’s needs and sensitivities may […]


Preventing eating disorders in children and teens

While discussing our teenage daughters with a friend, the topic of eating disorders came up. Both of us were a bit puzzled by how much sweets they were having, because we never liked them at all (the sweets, we love our daughters!). We were unsure of how to tackle the subject of sweets, and more […]


In season: February

Some of us may start to feel bored with winter food (me!), but look, the days are getting longer and here and there hide the first signs of Spring. Plus, February is the peak season for delicious fruits and vegetables! Here is a local selection valid for the UK and most northern Europe countries. VegetablesBrussel […]


The nature fallacy

Today I explain the idea of the « nature fallacy » , also known as « naturalistic fallacy » or « appeal to nature » . The nature fallacy lies on the assumption that something is « good/better », « beneficial » or « superior » because it is « natural ». Conversely, this assumes that what is unnatural is bad or wrong. In the context of nutrition and […]


Ready to ski? What to eat for winter sports.

It’s peak winter season and some of us are heading towards the mountains for a good dose of winter sports. An adequate « mountain diet » depends on the intensity of physical activity you plan to have and the altitude of the place you go to. For good and safe fun, ensure sufficient energy intake: you may […]


No, you don’t need a detox

Happy New Year my dear readers! I wish you all the best in 2024, and in particular good health and love. This is January, many wellness influencers and magazines are rubbing their hands. They tell you that you had too much food, too many drinks, not enough exercise in the past couple weeks and that […]