
A healthy, happy Ramadan

During the holy month of Ramadan (ninth month of the Islamic calendar), adult Muslims across the world fast during daylight hours for 29-30 days. Fasting is one of the 5 pillars of Islam and means abstaining from food, drink, sexual activity and smoking during daylight hours. Some people who are ill or whose health could be affected by fasting are exempt: pregnant and breastfeeding women, people with diabetes, people travelling…

Here are a few tips for a healthy and happy Ramadan.

Stay hydrated
Before breaking your fast, drink fluids to avoid dehydration: water, teas (low in theine in the evening) and herbal teas are your best allies. Be mindful of the sugar content of juices and soft drinks. It is also very important to hydrate enough before the breaking the fast at Suhoor each day.

Dates at Iftar
Dates are traditionally eaten (in an odd number!) to break the fast, they will increase your blood sugars and give you energy, as well as fibres and minerals. Other dried fruits such as apricots, figs, raisins or prunes will also provide fibre and nutrients.

Have a soup
Soups help with hydration, energy and provide a range of nutrients: carbs (potatoes, cereals), proteins (eggs, meat or poultry but also beans and pulses), fibres from beans, pulses and veg…

More veg!
In salads, sides, veg provides us with vitamins, minerals and fibres.

Breakfast – Suhoor
Have carbs before the fast begins to ensure you have sufficient energy for the day. Cereals, particularly wholegrains, such as porridge, muesli, oats or slices of wholemeal sourdough are good choices for a slow energy release. Be mindful of the salt and sugar content as it could make you thirsty. Proteins also help with satiety.