Corporate health

Full time employees spend around 60% of their waking time in the workplace and consume a third of their daily calorie allowance during their working day (WHO).

As a former finance manager, I am particularly aware of the dynamics of the workplace and related well-being issues and able to address them.

Each year, over 141 million working days are lost due to sickness absence (ONS). Presenteeism, when employee don’t perform at full capacity, is estimated to cost even more than abstenteeism (study).
The financial burden of diet-related illnesses includes sick pay medical schemes, replacing absent employees and losses due to reduced productivity.

The consequences of poor nutrition on corporate performance

  • fatigue
  • decreased mental effectiveness
  • irritability
  • lower energy levels
  • reduced ability to think clearly
  • decreased ability to perform effectively
  • higher levels of stress and depression
  • reduced productivity
  • work-related injuries and illnesses

A recent systematic review shows that helping employees improve their health through nutrition can have a direct impact on company performance by reducing abstenteism (review) and producing improvements in sleep quality, happiness, and depressive symptoms.

Be at the forefront and improve your company’s performance

Nutrition interventions in the workplace aim at

  • Decreasing stress levels
  • Improving team morale
  • Reducing staff absences
  • Increasing productivity

I offer tailored corporate nutrition programs which include dietary and lifestyle advice. They can be in the form of:

  • Workshops to raise awareness and trigger behaviour change towards healthy eating
  • Focused group sessions about eating-on-the-go, brain foods, nutritious breakfast, fiber… They can be organised
  • 1 to 1 consultations in the workplace
  • Nutritional nudging: promote healthy eating through onsite interventions

Contact to arrange a free audit of your needs.